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copper impregnated granular activated carbon

copper impregnated granular activated carbon

Wet peroxidation of resorcinol catalyzed by copper impregnated granular activated carbon
The present article reports the treatment of resorcinol using a catalytic wet peroxidation (CWPO) process in the presence of copper impregnated granular activated carbon wholesale granular activated carbon(Cu/GAC) with a bench-scale batch reactor. The typical physico-chemical properties of synthesized catalyst were characterized with different equipment and methods. 90% resorcinol removal and 81% of TOC removal was achieved at optimum conditions (pH = 6, the stoichiometric ratio of H2O2/resorcinol = 1.2, catalyst dose = 0.5 g/L, initial concentration of resorcinol = 100 mg/L, temperature = 70 °C and time t = 4 h). Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) measurements revealed that GAC posses various conjugated hydrocarbon groups including aromatic hydrocarbons, carboxylic groups, carboxyl and carbonate. Cu/GAC catalyst has a surface smoother than that of pristine GAC. At neutral or natural pH (∼6.4) of resorcinol, CWPO of resorcinol is favorable by Cu/GAC catalyst. Catalyst stability study revealed that Cu/GAC sustain its catalytic reactivity to over 76% in the five cycles without any regeneration. The thermogravimetric analysis confirmed that 350 °C temperature found to be optimum for calcination of Cu/GAC without any major losses. The mineralization mechanism was proposed based on intermediates identified during CWPO reaction.www.coconutactivatedcarbon.com
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